
telecom, technology and the occasional floobergeist

I’ve got an abundance of bits and pieces of canadian telecom and internet experience, and I am thrilled to be in a place in time when all is changing, technology is developing, and the status quo is being disrupted. 

Floobergeist is a word that is beginning to defy definition.  The more I roll that smooth pebble around, the more it becomes to mean. Floobergeist started out as the magic dust that turns dreams into ideas.  And then it began to encompass the zing that happens when you have conversations about those ideas. And now, it’s the whole evolution from dream to conversation, with each step improving the later and the former along the way.

Everyone aspires to good conversations. They can lead you to adventures you’ve never imagined, and to people you can twig with.

Let’s have a good conversation…


Making a Whitelabel Wholesale VoIP Solution

How would you make this beast? it changes shape hourly. Yesterday it was consumer focused, with enhahnced communications features, and no requirement for the last mile, as the service provider would piggyback off existing internet services. Today it’s facilities based (meaning I have to come up with the last mile), and it’s got a decidedly business focus, with a hosted IP PBX component, DIDs and LD. Plus it’s got to be dead easy to replicate, and has to be able to service hundreds of wholesale customers, and THEIR customers. It’s got to be turn-key and positive revenue generating. I like the looks of Fonality, but I’m not sure how easy it is to implement as a wholesale offering. Alec Saunders has a great folder full of Fonality info that I’m going through now.

The market is clammoring for something easy. Something plug and play that doesn’t take 9 months to roll out. Something to stem the loss of subscribers that are jumping to free, and/or suspicious quality internet only plays.

Is anyone in Canada doing this? Ideally, I’d like to create this solution from canadian-made technology. Hints would be appreciated - suggestions adored.


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